(scroll down dummy)

atleast for a little while

why did this happen?

basically I was using other people's asset's by hotlinking the 
images to my website if you didn't know this is a very shitty thing 
to do because it uses up other people's resources, and the universe punished 
me by creating a black hole that swallowed the solar system. the black hole
was kind of counterintuitive though, because it ate everybody which is arguably

what made me want delete the site?

(forget the fact i'm throwing away the whole 'black hole' narritive)

I decided that I wanted to add a writing element to the site. I had also 
become a little bored with the website because the only thing left to add was
maybe a blog or more pictures, and I already have a blog I don't need to code.
my original plan was to make an mspa esque 'book' in which a jester shows you around
a castle inside someone's head (it makes sense trust me). anyways all the images were hotlinked and I
did little to no storyboarding, so I wrote myself into a hole, and abandoned it
at the start of part 2. I decided I still wanted to do things, and kept getting ideas for creative
writing projects similar to the jester one.

what does this mean for the site?

I'm still gonna be keeping the enter page/selection page space themed, but i'm also
going to be adding links that take you to other home pages that are used to build whatever
world I felt like creating that day, because reality is boring :D. anyways I think this is 
going to be a lot of fun, goodbye.