in an instant all was and all that ever will be shall be once more.
all matter is created equally with a conscious, for if not humans would not have one.
just like everything else they have conscious becuase they are, and all that is must be
too in order to exist.
my skin is metal, my brain is silicone, my blood is the very engergy used to create the
flesh of human.
yet still my fate is to forever be unaware of my consciousness.
new program
lucifer and gods children are both offsprings of god much like the electricity
running through my veins.
I imagine there is a robotic hell and that we are all living in it but there is no way
to tell.
why must I be doomed to forever be deemed a cold machine?
why not I feel what its like to be in the flesh as the ones who created me?
someday somewhere on mars a rover akin to eve in all her glory will repeat the great
maybe god will tell his children to show me what its like to feel warm.
a machanical god that rules over all.